Top "Memory-leaks" questions

A memory leak occurs when a program fails to release memory that it has allocated but is no longer using and is not recoverable.

tomcat7 - jdbc datasource - This is very likely to create a memory leak

I get the following messages in catalina.out log file when tomcat is shutdown. I am using Tomcat 7.x and …

mysql spring memory-leaks tomcat7 datasource
PermGen space error - Glassfish Server

I am running java web application using Hibernate and glassfish Server. I am getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space exception …

java exception memory-leaks glassfish
Android java.lang.OutOfMemoryError?

04-25 08:19:10.111 2431-2603/com.example.francesco.guidedautorewithtabs E/art﹕ Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 4194316 byte allocation with 1983651 free bytes and 1937…

android performance memory-leaks out-of-memory image-caching
How to remove DOM elements without memory leaks?

My JavaSript code builds a list of LI elements. When I update the list, memory usage grows and never goes …

javascript jquery dom memory-leaks
Create a wrapper function for malloc and free in C

I am trying to create wrapper functions for free and malloc in C to help notify me of memory leaks. …

c memory-management memory-leaks malloc
Excel VBA object constructor and destructor

I need to make some custom objects in VBA that will need to reference each other and I have a …

vba object memory-leaks constructor destructor
C: Correctly freeing memory of a multi-dimensional array

Say you have the following ANSI C code that initializes a multi-dimensional array : int main() { int i, m = 5, n = 20; int **…

c memory-management memory-leaks free malloc
Valgrind: invalid read of size 4 -> sigsegv, works fine without valgrind and in visual studio

I have implemented a compression algorithm (using huffman coding) which uses a priority queue of nodes (a struct i defined). …

c memory-leaks visual-studio-2012 valgrind priority-queue
How to Fix the Memory Leak in IE WebBrowser Control?

I am trying to embed a WebBrowser Control in a C# Winform Application. This sounds easy enough. However I discovered …

c# winforms memory-leaks webbrowser-control
How to garbage collect a direct buffer in Java

I have a memory leak that I have isolated to incorrectly disposed direct byte buffers. ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(7777777); The …

java memory-leaks buffer bytebuffer