Top "Mediator" questions

The mediator pattern defines an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact.

WPF MVVM dialog example

Does anyone have any examples of showing a window dialog using MVVM (Prism)? - for example a configuration settings window …

wpf mvvm prism prism-2 mediator
Mediator Vs Observer Object-Oriented Design Patterns

I have been reading the Gang Of Four, in order to solve some of my problems and came across the …

oop design-patterns observer-pattern mediator
Façade vs. Mediator

I've been researching the difference between these two patterns. I understand that facade encapsulates access to a sub system and …

design-patterns facade mediator
Is the use of the mediator pattern recommend?

I am currently reading I understand the mediator pattern as some sort of …

javascript design-patterns mediator
global communication in angular module: event bus or mediator pattern/service

So far I have seen many solutions of the problem. The simplest one is, of course, to $emit an event …

javascript angularjs design-patterns publish-subscribe mediator
Is Eventbus a Mediator or Observer Pattern?

Is Eventbus more a Mediator or an Observer? According to Google, "eventbus mediator" gets 2.430 hits and "eventbus observer" gets 3.850 hits. …

design-patterns observer-pattern event-bus mediator