Top "Facade" questions

The Facade pattern is one of the Gang of Four's structural design patterns.

What is the facade design pattern?

Is facade a class which contains a lot of other classes? What makes it a design pattern? To me, it …

design-patterns facade
Difference between the Facade, Proxy, Adapter and Decorator design patterns?

What is the difference between the Facade, Proxy, Adapter, and Decorator design patterns? I have never read a clear explanation, …

design-patterns proxy adapter decorator facade
Laravel Custom Model Methods

Whenever I add additional logic to Eloquent models, I end up having to make it a static method (i.e. …

php laravel laravel-4 eloquent facade
Laravel: Difference App::bind and App::singleton

I get a bit confused over all the nice things laravel has to offer in terms of the IOC container …

php oop laravel-4 ioc-container facade
What is the difference between the Facade and Adapter Pattern?

I've been reading both definitions and they seem quite the same. Could anyone point out what are their differences? Thanks

design-patterns language-agnostic adapter facade
Are the roles of a service and a façade similar?

The more I read, the more confused I am. Note that all the question is related to how service and …

java spring model-view-controller design-patterns facade
Why use Facade pattern for EJB session bean

I want to ask what is the reason to use Facade Pattern when access EJB Session Bean. In my Netbeans 6.9.1, …

jakarta-ee netbeans ejb facade
What is the point of a Facade in Java EE?

I'm not really understanding the point of a facade. public abstract class AbstractFacade<T> { private Class<T&…

java design-patterns jakarta-ee ejb facade
Façade vs. Mediator

I've been researching the difference between these two patterns. I understand that facade encapsulates access to a sub system and …

design-patterns facade mediator