Top "Facade" questions

The Facade pattern is one of the Gang of Four's structural design patterns.

Laravel File vs Storage facade

Is there any differences between File and Storage facades in laravel 5.2 ? it seems they both use the same contract.i …

file laravel storage facade
Laravel Difference `between app->bind` and `app->singleton`?

I've been trying to figure out what the difference between app->bind and app->singleton are when setting …

laravel laravel-4 singleton facade
Differences between Facade Pattern and other patterns

I have a question about patterns. I really have problems with design patterns. Can you tell me the differences between …

design-patterns facade
What is the difference between a Controller and a Facade?

In my applications, I used to call Facade methods in the main application using they as Controllers because I thought …

model-view-controller design-patterns language-agnostic controller facade