Top "Event-bus" questions

Questions pertaining to Event Bus systems (e.g. GWT, otto, etc.

EventBus - Subscriber class and its super classes have no public methods with the @subscribe annotation

I'm creating an Android application using EventBus for posting asynchronous broadcasts to other classes, but I'm running into an error …

android event-bus greenrobot-eventbus
When to use an Event Bus?

I'm designing the backend for a new Java web app and am trying to decide whether or not to use …

java guava event-bus
greenrobot EventBus post event in Android

By using EventBus, I need to post an event(MyEvent) in an Activity and receive the event in another Activity …

android event-bus
What is the difference between EventBus and RxJava?

I am confused about the difference between EventBus and RxJava in android. I need to implement one of them for …

android rx-java event-bus
Why is the Vue.js input value not updating?

I have a Vue.js text-input component like the following: <template> <input type="text" :id="name" :name="…

javascript vue.js vuejs2 event-bus v-model
Weird "Could not dispatch event" and "No subscribers registered for event" issue

I've been trying to debug this thing for hours and I really can't see the issue here. This is my …

android event-bus
Is using event library like Otto or EventBus a recommended way to handle relations between Activities, Fragments, and background threads

In most of the case, when dealing with case User thread (AsyncTask) to perform background processing Pass back calculated result …

android android-asynctask event-bus otto greenrobot-eventbus
Simple EventBus - No subscribers Registered

I'm trying to implement the absolute basic implementation of EventBus Library for Android. What I'm trying to simple input content …

android event-bus greenrobot-eventbus-3.0
jQuery plugin for Event Driven Architecture?

Are there any Event Driven Architecture jQuery plugins? Step 1: Subscribing The subscribers subscribe to the event handler in the middle, …

javascript jquery-plugins publish-subscribe event-driven-design event-bus
EventBus/PubSub vs (reactive extensions) RX with respect to code clarity in a single threaded application

Currently, I am using an EventBus/PubSub architecture/pattern with Scala (and JavaFX) to implement a simple note organizing app (…

event-handling system.reactive reactive-programming event-bus rx-java