MASM is Microsoft's Macro Assembler tool for converting assembly language to object code.
I'm learning assembly, motivation being able to reverse engineer. I'm trying to find the assembler I should begin with, so …
assembly x86 reverse-engineering nasm masmIn some homework, I have to create a Fibonacci Sequence program in Assembly. I created this code, but it doesn't …
assembly masm fibonacci irvine32 non-recursiveI noticed that in Assembly segments are used in opcodes. Example: MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-30],30 I think that "PTR …
assembly x86 masm addressing-mode memory-segmentationExample: 0xAABBCCDD will turn into 0xDDCCBBAA My program crashes, due to Access Violation exception right in the first XOR operation. …
assembly x86 masm endianness masm32I have been dealing with Nasm on a linux environment for some time and this function worked great... but now …
c visual-studio assembly nasm masmthe point of the following program is to print out the letter "c" with the combination of every background and …
assembly masm irvine32In a simple program written for Microsoft's x64 assembler, I want to move a 64-bit value between an SSE register (…
assembly x86-64 masm sse gnu-assemblerI was instructed to write a program in assembly that will carry out the following arithmetic: ((A + B) / C) * ((D …
assembly x86 masm twos-complement irvine32