Top "Masm32" questions

MASM32 is a software development environment (SDK) for programmers using Microsoft's Assembler (MASM) to target 32-bit Windows.

Assembly - .data, .code, and registers...?

So this morning I posted a confused question about assembly and I received some great genuine help, which I really …

assembly low-level masm32
Outputting Hello World in MASM using WIN32 Functions

Contents Intro Code Assembling and Running Miscellaneous Question 1. Intro This isn't a question per se (though there is one at …

winapi assembly masm masm32
Multiple line comments in assembly

Is there a way to comment multiple lines in assembly? I am using Masm32 v9. Thanks.

assembly masm32
mov ax, bx vs. mov ax, [bx]

What is the difference between the following two lines? mov ax, bx mov ax, [bx] If bx contains the value 100…

assembly masm masm32
Division in 8086 Assembly in MASM

I am writing this assembly program in 8086, but it is not working properly. The quotient and remainder prints out as …

assembly masm masm32
How do I use ReadString in Assembly?

mov edx,offset Prompt1 call WriteString mov ecx,32 mov edx,offset String1 call ReadString Now, how do I go about …

assembly irvine32 masm32
power of in x86 assembly

as a starter in ASM programming i am need to get the result of 2 to the power of 38 in Assembly , …

assembly x86 masm32 exponent exponentiation
The END directive in assembly language

I am new to assembly language and wrote this code: main PROC mov eax,10000h ; Eax=10000h add eax,40000h ; …

assembly x86 masm32
Factorial in Assembly Language

I want to find a factorial of a number which is less than 8 using this code. but this is not …

assembly masm masm32
Difference between `bx` and `bp`?

What is the difference between bx and bp in assembly? Example here: mov bx, 1h mov bp, 1h Do they …

assembly masm masm32