Top "Masm32" questions

MASM32 is a software development environment (SDK) for programmers using Microsoft's Assembler (MASM) to target 32-bit Windows.

x86 assembly (MASM) - Square root of a 64-bit integer?

I'm coding a simple primality tester program for Windows in x86 assembly language (MASM32), which involves calculating a square root …

assembly x86 masm masm32
unresolved external symbol _WinMainCRTStartup

I'm trying to assemble a simple "Hello world" application with Masm32. It assembles fine but when I try to link …

assembly unresolved-external masm32
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _MessageBox

I am trying to create a helloworld program using only masm and not masm32 libs. Here is the code snippet: .386 .…

winapi assembly masm masm32
bt assembly instruction

I have quesetion about bt assembly instruction. I have excerpted part of book to provide context. Please see last example, …

assembly x86 masm masm32
Reverse byte order of EAX register

Example: 0xAABBCCDD will turn into 0xDDCCBBAA My program crashes, due to Access Violation exception right in the first XOR operation. …

assembly x86 masm endianness masm32
x86 Assembly: movsd instruction issue

This is my problem: I trying to use scanf (in msvcrt.dll) to input a single floating point value in …

assembly x86 masm32 fasm