MapReduce is an algorithm for processing huge datasets on certain kinds of distributable problems using a large number of nodes
I am somewhat confused about when to use group(), aggregate with $group or mapreduce. I read the documentation at http://…
mongodb mapreduce mongodb-query aggregation-frameworkI want to know the advantages/disadvantages of using a MySQL Cluster and using the Hadoop framework. What is the …
hadoop mapreduce hive bigdata mysql-clusterhi i wanted to know the basic difference between jobconf and job objects,currently i am submitting my job like …
hadoop mapreduce bigdataI am looking for a CouchDB equivalent to "SQL joins". In my example there are CouchDB documents that are list …
couchdb mapreduceWe are starting a big-data based analytic project and we are considering to adopt scala (typesafe stack). I would like …
scala hadoop mapreduce jvm-languagesI'm working on a job that processes a nested directory structure, containing files on multiple levels: one/ ├── three/ │ └── four/ │ ├── baz.…
hadoop nested mapreduce directory-walkI am using rails 3 with mongoid. I have a collection of Stocks with an embedded collection of Prices : class Stock …
ruby-on-rails mongodb mapreduce mongoidI have a Python program running on some input data on 4GB RAM 32-bit 12.04 Ubuntu. The time and space complexity …
python ubuntu memory-management mapreduce mrjob