Top "Mrjob" questions

Mrjob is a Python 2.5+ package that assists the creation and running of Hadoop Streaming jobs

Running a job using hadoop streaming and mrjob: PipeMapRed.waitOutputThreads(): subprocess failed with code 1

Hey I'm fairly new to the world of Big Data. I came across this tutorial on…

python hadoop mapreduce hadoop-streaming mrjob
How can I allot more memory to Python program? Its not consuming more than 64MB on 4GB RAM

I have a Python program running on some input data on 4GB RAM 32-bit 12.04 Ubuntu. The time and space complexity …

python ubuntu memory-management mapreduce mrjob
Why am I getting [Errno 7] Argument list too long and OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files when using mrjob v0.4.4?

It seems like the nature of the MapReduce framework is to work with many files. So when I get errors …

python mrjob
Python Module Import Error "ImportError: No module named mrjob.job"

System: Mac OSX 10.6.5, Python 2.6 I try to run the python script below: from mrjob.job import MRJob class MRWordCounter(MRJob): …

python module path mrjob
How does mapreduce sort and shuffle work?

I am using yelps MRJob library for achieving map-reduce functionality. I know that map reduce has an internal sort and …

hadoop mapreduce mrjob
Json-Opening Yelp Data Challenge's data set

I am interested in data mining and I am writing my thesis about it. For my thesis I want to …

json dataset yelp mrjob