Json-Opening Yelp Data Challenge's data set

Bengi Koseoglu picture Bengi Koseoglu · Feb 23, 2016 · Viewed 8k times · Source

I am interested in data mining and I am writing my thesis about it. For my thesis I want to use yelp's data challenge's data set, however i can not open it since it is in json format and almost 2 gb. In its website its been said that the dataset can be opened in phyton using mrjob, but I am also not very good with programming. I searched online and looked some of the codes yelp provided in github however I couldn't seem to find an article or something which explains how to open the dataset, clearly. Can you please tell me step by step how to open this file and maybe how to convert it to csv?




KS HARSHA picture KS HARSHA · Sep 7, 2017

data is in .tar format when u extract it again it has another file,rename it to .tar and then extract it.you will get all the json files