MapReduce is an algorithm for processing huge datasets on certain kinds of distributable problems using a large number of nodes
I want to reduce this object to just an object containing product name and average price. What's the fastest way …
javascript map mapreduce underscore.js reduceRecently, I want to parse websites and then use BeautifulSoup to filter what I want and write in csv file …
mapreduce beautifulsoup hadoop-streamingI was reading about Hadoop and how fault tolerant it is. I read the HDFS and read how failure of …
mapreduce distributed-computing fault-toleranceI'm relatively new to Hadoop and trying to figure out how to programmatically chain jobs (multiple mappers, reducers) with ChainMapper, …
hadoop mapreduce chainingFirst time Map/Reduce user here, and using MongoDB. I have a lot of page visit data which I'd like …
php mongodb mapreduce mongodb-phpAre there any alternative paradigms to MapReduce (Google, Hadoop)? Is there any other reasonable way how to split & merge …
algorithm hadoop mapreduceI am a newbie to MapReduce and I just can't figure out the difference in the partitioner and combiner. I …
hadoop mapreduce partitionerI am writing map reduce program to compare two files.When I run the program it throws following exception. Exception …
java hadoop mapreduce apache-stringutils