MapReduce is an algorithm for processing huge datasets on certain kinds of distributable problems using a large number of nodes
Why are there two separate packages map-reduce package in Apache's hadoop package tree: org.apache.hadoop.mapred…
apache hadoop mapreduceI understood how MRv1 works.Now I am trying to understand MRv2.. what's the difference between Application Manager and Application …
hadoop mapreduce yarnOn executing jar in hadoop, I get the following error: 16/11/04 18:32:59 INFO mapreduce.Job: Task Id : attempt_1478261728730_0005_m_000000_2, Status : FAILED Exception …
hadoop mapreduce hipiI am trying to implement reduce side join , and using mapfile reader to look up distributed cache but it is …
java hadoop mapreduce distributed-cacheCan someone example the computation of median/quantiles in map reduce? My understanding of Datafu's median is that the 'n' …
hadoop statistics mapreduce apache-pig medianI am just trying to confirm my understanding of difference between 0 reducer and identity reducer. 0 reducer means reduce step will …
hadoop mapreduceI need something slightly more complex than the examples in the MongoDB docs and I can't seem to be able …
mongodb mapreduceI have tried to use the MultipleOutputs class as per the example in page…
java hadoop mapreduce