Top "Lzo" questions

LZO is a (text) compression algorithm from the Lempel-Ziv family, which favours speed against compression ratio.

Decompressing a .lzo file using shell script

Ok so i did a fair bit of search on the web and did not find any answers. I am …

bash shell unix compression lzo
Spark SQL - difference between gzip vs snappy vs lzo compression formats

I am trying to use Spark SQL to write parquet file. By default Spark SQL supports gzip, but it also …

apache-spark gzip parquet snappy lzo
describe extended table in Hive

I am storing the Table as a SequenceFile format and I am setting the below commands to enable Sequence with …

hadoop mapreduce hive lzo
What're lzo and lzf, and the differences?

Hi I heard of lzo and lzf and seems they are all compression algorithms. Are they the same thing? Are …

algorithm compression lzo lzf
native-lzo library not available on Hadoop datanodes

I've written a simple LzoWordCount the following to my Gateway/ HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/opt/cloudera/parcels/HADOOP_LZO/lib/…

hadoop lzo