Top "Distributed-cache" questions

Use this tag for questions related to DistributedCache; a facility provided by the Map-Reduce framework to cache files (text, archives, jars etc.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong FS: , expected: hdfs://localhost:9000

I am trying to implement reduce side join , and using mapfile reader to look up distributed cache but it is …

java hadoop mapreduce distributed-cache
Confusion about distributed cache in Hadoop

What does the distribute cache actually mean? Having a file in distributed cache means that is it available in every …

caching hadoop hive distributed-cache
How to put the files into memory using Hadoop Distributed cache?

As far as I know, distributed cache copies files to every node, then map or reduce reads the files from …

hadoop distributed-cache
AppFabric unable to create a DataCache (LMTRepopulationJob FAILS)

Well first of all, I am learning sharepoint 2013 and I have been following a few tutorials, so far I just …

sharepoint-2013 appfabric appfabric-cache distributed-cache datacachefactory
How do I access DistributedCache in Hadoop Map/Reduce jobs?

I'm trying to pass a small file to a job I'm running using the GenericOptionsParser's -files flag: $ hadoop jar MyJob.…

hadoop mapreduce distributed-cache