Top "M2e" questions

m2eclipse is a Plug-in for the Eclipse IDE that defines Eclipse Project structures by analyzing Maven Project models

Maven for Eclipse 1.5.0 plugin cannot be installed under Kepler

I downloaded Eclipse Kepler and tried to install M2Eclipse from its update site. After selecting Maven Integration for Eclipse, …

eclipse maven guava m2e
can't install eclipse plugin "m2e connector for build-helper-maven-plugin"

i just tried to move from helios to maven with my gwt 2.4 application. so i began to follow the steps …

eclipse gwt maven eclipse-indigo m2e
What is Eclipse doing when it says that it's updating indexes?

When I load up a workspace (for Android Java development), Eclipse says in the status bar that it's updating indexes. …

java android eclipse maven m2e
M2E: Version is duplicate of parent version - Why is this a warning?

I have several Maven projects that each have some common functionality or at least common configuration/dependencies. I extracted this …

eclipse maven pom.xml m2e parent-pom
Jacoco Maven Plugin - Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration

I'm new to Maven and want to use the Jacoco Maven Plugin to build my projects. I've set up an …

maven m2eclipse m2e jacoco
The project contains another dependency with the same archive name

I'm seeing the following error (and a couple of others like it) in my markers: Invalid classpath publish/export dependency …

eclipse dependency-management m2e m2e-wtp
With maven - clean package, xml source files are not included in classpath

So it seems that Maven package is setup by default to compile but not copy xml files in the java …

eclipse maven m2e
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.0

I switched from q4e Helios to Indigo m2e plugin and my Maven 2 project no longer works. I had …

eclipse maven-2 maven spring-roo m2e
Cannot search for artifact in Eclipse Kepler using m2e plugin

I tried the new Eclipse Kepler that already comes with a maven plugin. But when I want to add a …

eclipse maven m2e eclipse-kepler
How does one get JAXB-generated sources onto the Eclipse build path under m2e/Indigo?

Under Helios/m2eclipse, when I generated jaxb sources they would be put on the Eclipse source path when I …

m2eclipse m2e maven-jaxb2-plugin