Top "M2e" questions

m2eclipse is a Plug-in for the Eclipse IDE that defines Eclipse Project structures by analyzing Maven Project models

How to configure maven install to skip tests in eclipse?

i was wondering if it's possible to configure run as maven install in eclipse to skip unit tests, if such …

eclipse jakarta-ee maven m2eclipse m2e
How to checkout maven project from svn repository

I am new to Maven and Eclipse, I need to check out an existing Maven project from a SVN repository. …

eclipse svn maven m2e
get rid of POM not found warning for org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping

With intent to get m2e 1.0 working correctly I have had to specify the lifecycle mapping: <pluginManagement> <…

java eclipse maven m2eclipse m2e
Maven and eclipse: a reliable way to add non-Maven or external jars to a project?

Maven is great. It mostly keeps me out of jar dependency hell by specifying versions of dependent packages in the …

java eclipse maven m2eclipse m2e
Maven does not create the "/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources" folder

I'm using Eclipse Luna. I'm working on a Maven project. When I try to run my application on a weblogic's …

maven maven-plugin m2eclipse m2e m2e-wtp
Eclipse JRE System Library [J2SE-1.5]

I'm using Eclipse EE 3.7 with m2e plugin installed. I have JDK7 set in eclipse. When I import maven projects, …

java eclipse m2eclipse m2e
In Eclipse m2e, how to reference workspace project?

How can I reference another workspace project using Eclipse m2e? Do I have to add a project dependency in …

java eclipse maven m2e
Web resources filtering with Maven war plugin does not work in Eclipse with m2e

I'm trying to filter a Spring configuration file using Maven filtering. My POM is configured like this: ... <plugin> &…

eclipse maven eclipse-wtp m2e
How to eliminate the "maven-enforcer-plugin (goal "enforce") is ignored by m2e" warning by eclipse?

I am configuring a multi-module parent child maven project using maven and eclipse m2e, I am using the latest …

eclipse maven maven-3 m2eclipse m2e
Plugin error: execution not covered by lifecycle configuration

I am trying to use the maven-warpath-plugin available here. But I keep getting an error in my pom.xml file …

eclipse maven maven-plugin m2eclipse m2e