How to configure maven install to skip tests in eclipse?

fresh_dev picture fresh_dev · Jan 19, 2012 · Viewed 60.8k times · Source

i was wondering if it's possible to configure run as maven install in eclipse to skip unit tests, if such thing is doable, then please tell me how to do it, thanks in advance.


Tom Elliott picture Tom Elliott · Jan 19, 2012
  1. Ensure Maven is configured for your project
  2. Right-click on your project
  3. Go to 'Run As'
  4. Select 'Run Configurations'
  5. In the left-hand column, right-click 'Maven Build' and select 'New'
  6. Select the base directory (the project) you want to build from
  7. Write 'install' and any other goals you want in the 'Goals' field
  8. Click the 'Skip Tests' radio button
  9. Click Run!

Hope that helps.