Questions about the Look and Feel (LaF) of applications with a graphical user interface (GUI).
As a popular IDE for Java application, Intellij IDEA's look and feel is very beautiful in my opinion. How did …
java swing intellij-idea look-and-feelHow can I set text background color in JOptionPane? Image: UIManager UI = new UIManager(); UI.put("OptionPane.background", Color.white); …
java swing jtextfield look-and-feel nimbusI would like to know how to customize the ui of a jtextfield so I could create rounded rectangular border …
java swing user-interface look-and-feelI would like to apply my own close and minimize buttons. Is there any way to change the JFrame design?
java swing jframe look-and-feel windowlistenerI'm using NimbusLookAndFeel. With this look and feel JTable's cell background are alternatively white and light grey (it depends on …
swing jtable look-and-feel tablecellrenderer nimbusSo I am new to Netbeans and Swing GUI development in general and I am trying to change the Look …
java swing netbeans look-and-feelI wrote a simple test class to test the features of seaglass look and feel and …
java swing look-and-feel nimbusI needed a slider with two knobs on it (representing a range) and I found this nifty one here. However, …
java swing user-interface look-and-feel jsliderI want to change the selected icon for a JCheckbox to a different icon, let's say for example the disabled …
java swing look-and-feel