Top "Look-and-feel" questions

Questions about the Look and Feel (LaF) of applications with a graphical user interface (GUI).

Java Look and Feel (L&F)

I am developing a desktop application with Java Swing for my personal use.I am in need of some beautiful …

java swing look-and-feel
How can I create a "modern looking" Java desktop application?

Similar questions to this are asked periodically, but many of these answers are outdated. I need to build a cross-platform …

java swing user-interface look-and-feel swingx
How to set jframe look and feel

I am kind of confused on where to put this : try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName()); UIManager.setLookAndFeel("…

java swing jframe look-and-feel uimanager
Change background and text color of JMenuBar and JMenu objects inside it

How can I set custom background color for JMenuBar and JMenu objects inside it? I tried .setBackgroundColor and it does …

java swing look-and-feel jmenu jmenubar
Please recommend pretty Java Swing components library

I am right now working on a job of retouching the user interface of a software which is coded in …

java swing user-interface look-and-feel
How to improve look and feel of JAVA swing GUI?

I am working on a project that uses Java Swing. The default look and feel of the Java Swing GUI …

java swing look-and-feel
How do I get the default font for Swing JTabbedPane labels?

Does the text in Swing components have a default font? In particular, what about tab labels on JTabbedPanes? I'm working …

java user-interface swing look-and-feel
Windows look and feel for JFileChooser

I'm trying to generate a JFileChooser that has the Windows look-and-feel. I couldn't find a method to change it, so …

java look-and-feel jfilechooser
How to show the hidden toolbar of Eclipse

Eclipse has a context menu item to hide the entire toolbar of RCP. Where is the corresponding menu item to …

eclipse toolbar look-and-feel
creating a nice GUI in WPF

I need to create a desktop CAD application which essentially should have a nice modern GUI. I am thinking of …

wpf user-interface look-and-feel