Questions about the Look and Feel (LaF) of applications with a graphical user interface (GUI).
I am trying to create a JTable that has a row header that looks just like a column header and …
java swing header jtable look-and-feelI'm trying to install Sea Glass Look and Feel. I want to install/configure the LaF using a property file, …
java swing properties installation look-and-feelI have the following simple code: btn = new JButton(); btn.setBackground(backgroundColor) I worked when I used: UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.…
java swing jbutton look-and-feel setbackgroundI use Nimbus Look and Feel in a project. However, although every GUI JComponent have a Look and Feel of …
java swing jframe look-and-feel nimbusI have 5 java systems for engineering whose UI were developed using Swing. We started the development of these systems about 10 …
java swing look-and-feelHow do I create a window which looks like this in Java: I want that window layout, instead of the …
java swing look-and-feelI have tons of jbuttons, jtextfields, jlabels, jmenus, gui items and it is extremely time consuming to set the background …
java swing components look-and-feel uimanagerDoes anybody know a way to "skin" Java desktop applications. (Like Winamp skins, or skins for MirandaIM)? I don't want …
java swing customization look-and-feel skinI am building a java app and I want to change the theme(look and feel) of application at runtime …
java swing netbeans themes look-and-feelI have a VB6 application where I'd like to have a consistent behavior among its controls application-wide. One of the …
dynamic vb6 event-handling look-and-feel