Top "Setbackground" questions

How to solve java.lang.OutOfMemoryError trouble in Android

Altough I have very small size image in drawable folder, I am getting this error from users. And I am …

android bitmap out-of-memory bitmapfactory setbackground
JPanel setBackground(Color.BLACK) does nothing

I have the folowing custom JPanel and I have aded it to my frame using Netbeans GUI builder but the …

java swing background jpanel setbackground
setBackground(new color()); in java does not understand the given RGB value

I have a program with some gui, on the JFrame I set, setBackground( new Color(107, 106, 104) ); The issue is that I …

java swing hex rgb setbackground
set cornerRadius and setbackgroundimage to UIButton

I am trying to set cornerRadius of UIButton but I dont know how to do it. If I do like …

ios uibutton cornerradius setbackground
Java JFrame background color not working

I tried using: frame1.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.yellow); But it is not working. Can anyone help me? import java.awt.*; …

java swing colors jframe setbackground
Change background color editable JComboBox

I am programming an editable combobox in a JFrame Form, but i want to change te background color. How the …

java swing jcombobox java-7 setbackground
How to set color using integer?

How can i convert color code in integer ex: 13369395 to android specific. Since 13369395 is also an integer i tried doing …

android-layout colors views setbackground
Why does setBackground to JButton does not work?

I have the following simple code: btn = new JButton(); btn.setBackground(backgroundColor) I worked when I used: UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.…

java swing jbutton look-and-feel setbackground
Android setBackgroundTintList on pre-lollipop devices

I'm working with FloatingActionButton. The user should be able to switch the FAB background color within a onClick Event. However, …

android floating-action-button setbackground
get image from url and set as relative layout background on android

basically what I want to do is, use the url of an image (it doesnt matter if it is downloaded …

android setbackground