The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.
I use the log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppender appender. My log4net table are the following fields [Date],[Thread],[Level],[Logger],[…
c# log4net appenderIs there a way to configure log4net to print logs both to console and to files during debug? I …
c# debugging log4net log4net-configurationI have some troubles while writing logs from log4net to the file. I seem to do all as described …
c# .net logging log4net log4net-configurationI have the following configuration, but I have not able to find any documentation on how to set a maximum …
.net log4netCurrently in my project log4net is used to log all the exception, information, warnings etc. to a text file, …
c# log4net log4net-configurationI am trying to find somebody smarter than me to validate some syntax I wrote up. The idea is to …
c# log4netWe are seeing an intermittent issue on development and production machines whereby our log files are not getting logged to. …
locking log4net rollingfileappenderThis is a Bad Idea, I know, but... I want to configure log4net programmatically from scratch with no config …
.net logging log4net