Top "Log4net" questions

The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.

Windows Event Viewer and log4net

I have idea to write errors from my application to the Windows Event Viewer using log4net. Can I do …

c# log4net
Log4Net RollingFileAppender not flushing IO buffer with low volume log

I'm pondering on the same issue as HENRI COOK did. It's been reported as a bug on Apache Jira as …

logging io buffer log4net flush
What would a Log4Net Wrapper class look like?

I have been looking for a logging framework for .net (c#) and decided to give log4net a go after …

design-patterns log4net
How to log different log level to different log appender in log4net

I have a WinForm that it display log information but I want it to display to only INFO level but …

log4net log4net-configuration
VS2005: Assembly '<assembly>' is incorrectly specified as a file.

I've added a reference to the log4net assembly dll to my project. When I build I get a warning …

visual-studio visual-studio-2005 build assemblies log4net
Log4Net custom appender : How to logs messages that will wrote using the Custom appender?

Issue was solved - I edit this post with the right code. I am trying to wrote the "main" function …

c# .net xml log4net log4net-appender
Could not load file or assembly log4net

I have added log4net to my project and it is working just fine on my machine, but when I …

c# .net log4net filenotfoundexception
Enterprise Logging Block vs NLog vs log4net

I need to use a logging library in my project and considering between Enterprise Logging Block vs NLog vs log4…

c# log4net enterprise-library nlog
Configure log4net to send errors to different appenders based on level

I want to send Info Level & above to the XML appender and Error/Fatal Level to the EventLog appender. …

configuration log4net log4net-configuration
Unrecognized configuration section log4net

I have this code in web.config: <log4net> <root> <level value="ALL" /> <…

c# log4net