Top "Log4net" questions

The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.

Log4net randomly stops logging.

I am currently building an ASP.Net-MVC Application using log4net for logging, but the logger seems to just stop …

Very simple file appender logging not working

Here's my web.config information: <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4…

c# logging log4net log4net-configuration
When logging when is an error fatal?

In logging frameworks like log4j & log4net you have the ability to log various levels of information. Most …

logging error-handling log4net log4j
Log4Net: Log with UTC times

Using log4net w/ .NET, how can I get the RollingFileAppender to output UTC dates? According to Apache it should …

.net log4net
Log4Net configuration - LevelMatchFilter

As there are following levels in log4net ALL DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL OFF Can anyone please tell me …

filter log4net sequence
How do I insert tabs in the log4net layout pattern?

My need is simple - I want to be able to open my text log file in excel, so that …

log4net with ASP.NET 3.5 problems

I'm having some trouble getting log4net to work from ASP.NET 3.5. This is the first time I've tried to … .net-3.5 web-config log4net global-asax
Log4Net: Logging in 2 byte languages (japanese, chinese etc.)

I would like to log data to a file in 2 byte languages (chinese, japanese etc) using log4net. How to …

c# logging log4net log4net-configuration
Using Ninject to fill Log4Net Dependency

I use Ninject as a DI Container in my application. In order to loosely couple to my logging library, I …

c# log4net ninject
log4net with EventLogAppender doesn't log

Nothing happens with the following configuration. App.config <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> &…

log4net log4net-configuration log4net-appender