Top "Log4net" questions

The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.

log4net Configuration for console app

can anyone suggest how to configure the log4net for an console app? Or at least how/where to catch …

c# .net log4net application-start
How to use log4net with Dependency Injection

I'm trying to figure out what the right patter and usage of log4net is with a dependency injection framework. …

design-patterns dependency-injection log4net
Quartz.Net - Common Logging with log4net

I'm trying to implement Quartz.Net. As long as there is no logging configured everything works (the debug output shows "…

c# log4net common.logging log4net-configuration
log4net multiple appenders, writing to event viewer

I am using log4net for logging, I have two appenders one file and other eventlog appender. I have register …

c# log4net log4net-configuration log4net-appender
How to specify log file path using folder locations in Windows with log4net xml configurator?

In my app.config I put <appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <file value="%programdata%/…

.net windows logging log4net special-folders
Log4net - delete any logs that is over 14 days old

I am creating a logger by using log4net's RollingFileAppender. One feature that I need to provide is to delete …

c# logging log4net rollingfileappender
What is the best pattern for using same Log4net logger across many assemblies in a solution?

I have a solution consisting of a main winforms app, with associated internally written class library dll’s from which …

log4net projects-and-solutions
What is the difference between log4net.ThreadContext and log4net.LogicalThreadContext?

UPDATED on 11/18/2014 - While browsing the log4net source repository, I found that the implementation of LogicalThreadContext was modified in …

.net logging log4net nlog thread-local-storage
System.Web.HttpException File does not exist - Page loads just fine (ASP.NET)

I'm using Log4Net and logging everytime my ASP.NET-Application throws an error: protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs …

c# exception log4net application-error
Why isn't there a trace level in log4Net?

I was just wondering why there isn't a trace level in log4Net. This level seems to be missing and …

c# log4net