Top "Log4net" questions

The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.

C# private, static, and readonly

I was reviewing some code for log4net and I came across this. private static readonly ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(…

c# log4net access-modifiers
log4Net config transform

I am able to transform my log4net.config but I am not getting this one. How do I change …

log4net transform
How can I log to Special Folders with log4net?

How can I log to special folders (e.g. %APPDATA%) using the app.config file? I can do it programmatically, …

log4net app-config special-folders
Yet another issue about log4net 1.2.11 conflicts

I've spent the last 2 hours looking over these issues on SO, and nothing seems to be working. I have a …

c# log4net gac
Writing to a log4net FileAppender with multiple threads performance problems

TickZoom is a very high performance app which uses it's own parallelization library and multiple O/S threads for smooth …

c# multithreading log4net fileappender
How to set log4net context property specific to an ASP.NET request?

I've been using log4net to log our ASP.NET web site's log messages, and lately I wanted to add … properties log4net httpcontext
Log4Net separate config file not working

I'm having a strange problem. I have multiple projects in a solution. One of them is a WebAPI and it …

c# log4net log4net-configuration
log4net - configure using multiple configuration files

I have an application consisting of a host and pluggable modules (plugins). I want to be able to configure log4…

log4net log4net-configuration
How to configure logging in Spring.NET using log4net?

I would like use from Spring.NET Aspect library Logging aspect together with log4Net. I found this article how …

log4net log4net-configuration
Is there a log4net pattern for machineName

I'm having a hard time finding documentation on the various 'in the box' patterns like %logger %level %timestamp There is …

log4net pattern-layout