Top "Special-folders" questions

"Special folders" refers to directories in the Windows operating system that provide extended functionality in the user interface.

How can I get the current user directory?

Using this: Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) I get this output: "C:\\Documents and Settings\\[USER]\\Application Data" How can …

c# windows environment special-folders
Application's data folder in Mac

What is the equivalent of Window's C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\appName? I need a directory that won't cause permission …

macos updates special-folders
Robocopy - /XA:SH - to exclude system, hidden directories?

It seems to only work on files. Or am I doing something wrong? I tried backing a user folder (C:\…

windows-vista backup robocopy special-folders
Accessing %appdata% with VB.NET

How can you access files in %appdata% through VB.NET? For example, C:\Users\Kuzon\AppData\Roaming\program. How would …

.net windows special-folders appdata
Find windows folder programmatically in c#

I am writing a program to kill and restart explorer but I don't want to hard code the location because …

c# windows directory special-folders
What determines the return value of Path.GetTempPath()?

Currently, I use Path.GetTempPath() to figure out where to write my log files, but recently I came across a …

c# .net environment-variables special-folders
python - Finding the user's "Downloads" folder

I already found this question that suggests to use os.path.expanduser(path) to get the user's home directory. I …

python directory special-folders
How do get the path of Program Files regardless of the architecture of the target machine

I'm programming in C#/.NET. I want to be able to return the Program Files directory from the target machine …

c# .net special-folders program-files
How to programmatically derive Windows Downloads folder "%USERPROFILE%/Downloads"?

In .NET, we can retrieve the paths to 'special folders', like Documents / Desktop etc. Today I tried to find a …

.net environment-variables windows-vista special-folders
Set location of Special Folders with PowerShell

As administrator, I want to change the default location of special folders (Documents, Music, Downloads…) to a different path. I …

powershell path special-folders