Top "Program-files" questions

Add SSIS to existing SQL Server instance

I am trying to add Integration Services an existing SQL Server 2008 instance. I went to the SQL Server Installation Center …

sql sql-server ssis installation program-files
How do I programmatically retrieve the actual path to the "Program Files" folder?

Possible Duplicate: C# - How to get Program Files (x86) on Windows Vista 64 bit I realize the odds of a …

c# .net windows windows-xp program-files
Why am i getting WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied?

Trying to create program that adds folders into program files-recieving this error: WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied 'C:\\Program Files\\…

python program-files windowserror
Use 32bit "Program Files" directory in msbuild

In 64 bit versions of windows, 32 bit software is installed in "c:\program files (x86)". This means you cannot use $(programfiles) …

msbuild x86 64-bit x86-64 program-files
How do get the path of Program Files regardless of the architecture of the target machine

I'm programming in C#/.NET. I want to be able to return the Program Files directory from the target machine …

c# .net special-folders program-files
Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles value for a 32-bit application on Windows 7?

What would a 32-bit application running on Windows 7 return for the below? Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) C:\Program Files (…

c# windows-7 program-files
Finding Silverlight version & Installation Folder programmatically

Is it possible to find the version of the installed Silverlight (e.x. 4.0.51204.0) and its installation folder (e.x. C:\…

c# silverlight registry program-files
Path of %ProgramFiles(x86)% in 64 bit machine (for Registry)

Question: What is the equivalent of [INSTALLDIR] for %ProgramFiles(x86)% to use in Registry in 64 bit machine ? I have a …

c# x86 registry exe program-files
What makes c:\Program Files UAC-protected?

I know that c:\Program Files is UAC-protected, and if I allow a user to install to d:\Program Files, …

windows security uac program-files
Java path to Program Files folder in windows 64bit

i`m trying to get the default Program Files folder on java. When I use: System.getenv("ProgramFiles") It returns "…

java 64-bit program-files