List of Log4net Conversion Patterns picture · Jul 9, 2009 · Viewed 56.9k times · Source

Is there a comprehensive list of all the conversion patterns available for log4net? I can't even find them in the source code.

All I have found is this; shouldn't there be more patterns? For example, how would I get the name of the hosting application?

Also, how can I add my own patterns?

As an example here is the comparable list but for nlog.

Edit: I have found the Pattern for application name; it's [Application]. But I'm still looking for the mother-load. Can someone at least point me to the class in the source that manages these? Maybe I could find the list from that.

Answer picture · Nov 19, 2015

Looks like that link is Dead.

I found it in the Waybacktimemachine and posted it to my blog.

It might be too much to post here on SO. If I am wrong, I will happily post here if everyone agrees that its not too bad.