The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.
I would like to store log4net config data in my application.config file. Based on my understanding of the …
c# logging log4netI cannot see a app.config file generated for a class library by the VS2008 wizard. In my research I …
c# visual-studio-2008 configuration log4net class-libraryI configure log4net in my core 2.0 application as mentioned in this article LINK program.cs public static …
c# log4net log4net-configurationI am totally new to Log4net. I have managed to get something going by adding a config file and …
c# log4netI use log4net all the time, but one thing I've never figured out is how to tell what's going …
.net logging log4netWhy do most log4net examples get the logger for a class by doing this: private static ILog logger = LogManager.…
log4netPlease help. I have a web application that was built in VS2010 and we are using the CR plugin for 2010 …
crystal-reports log4netWe are using log4net and want to specify it's configuration in an external config file (as we have done …
file logging configuration log4net externalHey I have this configuration in my web.config <log4net> <appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.…
c# .net-4.0 log4net