This tag is for questions about LINQ to Entities, which means LINQ queries using the ADO.
I have a strange behavior trying to execute a query declaring ObjectQuery MergeOption to "NoTracking", in this case entity framework …
entity-framework entity-framework-4 linq-to-entitiesWhat does the keyword "value" mean in this statement, and where would I go to learn more? What happens if …
linq entity-framework linq-to-entitiesI am using CodeFirst approach and struck with an issue where I need to convert DbSet to ObjectQuery. This is …
entity-framework-4 linq-to-entities ef-code-first dbcontextI've got this really basic table structure: dbo.tblCategory dbo.tblQuestion (many to one relationship to tblCategory) dbo.tblAnswer (many …
c# .net-3.5 linq-to-entities include eager-loadingI am using EF4 within a MVC3 application and I was looking for a way to view all my contacts …
entity-framework-4 linq-to-entitiesI have been using the Find(id) extension method with collections in Entity Framework 5. However, many of the examples I …
.net linq entity-framework linq-to-entities entity-framework-5I want to get IQueryable<> result when executing stored procedure. Here is piece of code that works fine: …
.net entity-framework stored-procedures linq-to-entities iqueryableSorry for this being so long, but at least I think I got all info to be able to understand …
entity-framework linq-to-entities many-to-many eagerinclude matchparticipants is not working. It always says Null when I debug. But when I put the GroupBy in comment …
linq-to-entities ef-code-first entity-framework-4.3Using the Dynamic LINQ library (link), is it vulnerable to injection? and (if so) how can this be protected against? …
c# linq linq-to-sql linq-to-entities dynamic-linq