Top "Linq-to-entities" questions

This tag is for questions about LINQ to Entities, which means LINQ queries using the ADO.

Entity Framework - Stop Lazy Loading Related Entities On Demand?

I have Entity Framework set up and it works fine most of the time I need it. I have a …

c# entity-framework linq-to-entities entity-framework-6
VB.Net Linq to Entities Null Comparison - 'Is Nothing' or '= Nothing'?

We have several projects in VB.Net, using .Net Framework 4 and Linq to Entities for many of our SQL queries. … linq-to-entities nullable nothing
Libraries for ADO.NET to rapidly bulk insert data into a database from a .csv file?

I'd like to know if you can recommend any advanced ADO.NET libraries for working with databases. I've discovered that …

sql sql-server linq-to-entities wcf-data-services
How many Include I can use on ObjectSet in EntityFramework to retain performance?

I am using the following LINQ query for my profile page: var userData = from u in db.Users .Include("UserSkills.…

performance linq entity-framework linq-to-entities
C# PredicateBuilder Entities: The parameter 'f' was not bound in the specified LINQ to Entities query expression

I needed to build a dynamic filter and I wanted to keep using entities. Because of this reason I wanted …

c# linq-to-entities predicatebuilder
Using an IEqualityComparer with a LINQ to Entities Except clause

I have an entity that I'd like to compare with a subset and determine to select all except the subset. …

linq linq-to-entities iequalitycomparer
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime GetValueOrDefault()'

Struggling with very simple code that isn't working where similar code is working in other classes. It won't compile if …

c# .net linq linq-to-entities
Dynamic where clause (OR) in Linq to Entities

In the post here I learned how to build a dynamic query using the deferred execution of Linq. But the …

c# linq entity-framework linq-to-entities where-clause
Linq Conversion From ICollection<T> to List<T>

I am using Code First Entity Framework. I am using the following simple classes: public class Users { public ICollection<…

c# linq entity-framework linq-to-entities icollection
Exception using OrElse and AndAlso expression methods

I am trying to build an expression tree programmatically. I have in my input, a list of condition classes which …

entity-framework linq linq-to-entities linq-expressions dynamic-linq