Struggling with very simple code that isn't working where similar code is working in other classes. It won't compile if I remove GetValueOrDefault(). Also I am using System.Linq. I'm getting this runtime error: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime GetValueOrDefault()'. Any ideas?
public List<AddressModel> GetAll(string customer_number)
addresses = (from a in db.ADDRESS
where a.CUSTOMER_NUMBER.Equals(customer_number)
select new AddressModel
Address_Id = a.ADDRESS_ID,
System_Id = a.SYSTEM_ID,
Customer_Number = a.CUSTOMER_NUMBER,
Address_Type = a.ADDRESS_TYPE,
Changed_On = a.CHANGED_ON.GetValueOrDefault(DateTime.MinValue),
Created_On = a.CREATED_ON.GetValueOrDefault(DateTime.MinValue),
Email = a.EMAIL
return addresses;
Why would Entity Framework not be able to use ToString() in a LINQ statement? discusses similar problem of Linq-to-Entites not able to translate .ToString()
method, but approaches suggested there - not using method at all or getting Microsoft to fix it did not work for this case.
You should be able to use the Null Coalescing operator ??
addresses = (from a in db.ADDRESS
where a.CUSTOMER_NUMBER.Equals(customer_number)
select new AddressModel
Address_Id = a.ADDRESS_ID,
System_Id = a.SYSTEM_ID,
Customer_Number = a.CUSTOMER_NUMBER,
Address_Type = a.ADDRESS_TYPE,
Changed_On = a.CHANGED_ON ?? DateTime.MinValue,
Created_On = a.CREATED_ON ?? DateTime.MinValue,
Email = a.EMAIL