A linked list is a data structure where the list elements are not necessarily stored sequentially but rather each element contains a reference to the next (and optionally the previous) element in the list.
How does one go about doing doubly linked lists in a pure functional language? That is, something like Haskell where …
data-structures haskell functional-programming linked-listI have a problem with addition of elements in Liked List public class LinkedList { public Node first; public Node last; …
java linked-list doubly-linked-list#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void Insert(); void DisplayList(); struct …
c linked-list malloc displaylist httpunhandledexceptionGiven an iterator into a std::list, how do you replace the object at the position that the iterator references? …
c++ list replace linked-list stdlistIn my mind, List is basically implemented using LinkedList, while a normal Array is implemented as contiguous blocks. I always …
c# list linked-list sortedlistThis is an interview question(again). Given a singly connected linked list, find the largest palindrome in the list. (You …
algorithm linked-list palindromeI've wanted to create a radix sort implementation using queues. I couldn't figure out which part of my code has …
c linked-list queue radix-sortI have been trying to implement XOR linked list and its operations but I have not been able to do …
c linked-list xorI'm trying to remove items from a C++ linked list using erase and a list iterator: #include <iostream> #…
c++ linked-list segmentation-fault eraseGoing through classic data structures and have stopped on linked lists.Just implemented a circular singly-linked list, but I'm under …
c data-structures linked-list singly-linked-list