Top "Linked-list" questions

A linked list is a data structure where the list elements are not necessarily stored sequentially but rather each element contains a reference to the next (and optionally the previous) element in the list.

difference between double-ended linked lists and doubly-linked list

I don't understand difference between a double-ended and doubly-linked list. What is the major difference between the two?

data-structures linked-list doubly-linked-list
Heap sort using linked lists

I was wondering if anyone has ever used linked lists to do heap sort and if they have could they …

c sorting linked-list heapsort
What is the time complexity of a size() call on a LinkedList in Java?

As the title asks, I wonder if the size() method in the LinkedList class takes amortized O(1) time or O(…

java size linked-list time-complexity
Using insertion sort on a singly linked list

So I have an assignment where I'm giving a random list of number and I need to sort them using …

c++ list sorting linked-list insertion-sort
Can I use java.util.LinkedList to construct a circular/cyclic linked list?

I would like to create a circular/cyclic linked list where the tail of the list would point back to …

java data-structures linked-list circular-list
Interview: Remove Loop in linked list - Java

I was asked this question in interview: "How to detect the loop in linked list?", I solved this but immediately …

java data-structures linked-list
Proof of detecting the start of cycle in linked list

From several posts inside stackoverflow and outside, I have come to know how to detect cycles in a linked list, …

algorithm linked-list
Why does cache locality matter for array performance?

In the following blog there is a statement about the advantage of arrays over linked lists: Arrays have better cache …

arrays language-agnostic linked-list
compilation error: request for member in something not a structure or union

Edit: The code below has been modified to work as the problem has been solved. Specifically, (*hardwareList.next_item)-&…

c linked-list random-access
Creating a circularly linked list in C#?

What would be the best way to create a circularly linked list in C#. Should I derive it from the …

c# linked-list addressbook