Top "Linked-list" questions

A linked list is a data structure where the list elements are not necessarily stored sequentially but rather each element contains a reference to the next (and optionally the previous) element in the list.

Are JavaScript arrays actually linked lists?

I'm new to Javascript, and notice that you don't need to specify an array's size and often see people dynamically …

javascript arrays linked-list
The Best Search Algorithm for a Linked List

I have to write a program as efficiently as possible that will insert given nodes into a sorted LinkedList. I'm …

java algorithm linked-list runtime doubly-linked-list
How to find the length of a linked list that is having cycles in it?

This was one of the interview questions asked. How to find the length of a linked list that is having …

algorithm linked-list cycle
Fetching linked list in MySQL database

I have a MySQL database table with this structure: table id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY data .. next_id INT …

mysql data-structures linked-list hierarchical-data
Insertion sort on linked list in C?

I've tried searching for a problem similar to mine, but haven't found much help. I have a linked list of …

c linked-list singly-linked-list insertion-sort
Queue performance wise which is better implementation - Array or Linked list

Which way gives the faster enqueueing and dequeuing when I have to insert very few elements, Is array better than …

c arrays linked-list deque
Implementing begin() and end() for doubly linked list

I have written my own container class whose original internal data structure was the std::list. I then needed to …

c++ list linked-list iterator stdlist
What is the comparable interface called?

I'm working on a simple linked list implementation in Go for learning purposes. The definition of an element is below: …

go interface linked-list comparison-operators
Valgrind 8 bytes inside a block of 16 free'd

I'm writing code for a lab in class, which is an exercise in OOD design using a circular linked list. …

c++ memory-leaks linked-list memcheck
Creating a very simple Singly Circular List C#

Does anyone have an example of a very simple implementation of a Circular Linked list using C#? I have this …

c# data-structures linked-list circular-list