Top "Stdlist" questions

A doubly linked list type defined as part of the C++ Standard Library.

What is the difference between std::list<std::pair> and std::map in C++ STL?

What is the difference between std::list<std::pair> and std::map? Is there a find method for …

c++ stl stdmap std-pair stdlist
Find all matching elements in std::list

I was wondering if there's any built-in or well-established way (i.e. via lambda) to go through the elements of …

c++ c++11 stdlist
C++ - Error: 'list' does not name a type (list object as member variable in class)

I have been running into the "'xxx' does not name a type" error a lot and most posts I've read …

c++ class stdlist
How to make sure iterators do not overpass end()?

I have been using advance on some iterators, but I am afraid of a possible leapfrog above end(). I would …

c++ iterator distance stdlist
std::list fixed size

How can I create std::list with a fixed element count?

c++ stl stdlist
Implementing begin() and end() for doubly linked list

I have written my own container class whose original internal data structure was the std::list. I then needed to …

c++ list linked-list iterator stdlist
Easily initialise an std::list of std::strings?

In C++0x, what I want would be: std::list<std::string> colours = {"red", "blue", "green", "grey", "pink", "…

c++ initialization stdstring stdlist
Correctly delete pointers in std::list allocated elsewhere

Possible Duplicate: Does std::list::remove method call destructor of each removed element? I have a SpriteHandler class that allows …

c++ memory-management iterator stdlist
std::list thread_safety

I have a list where one thread just does push_back and other thread occasionally loop through the list and …

c++ stl thread-safety stdlist