Top "Linear-algebra" questions

Linear Algebra is a core body of mathematics studying vector spaces and linear mappings between these spaces.

Matrix Low Rank Approximation using Matlab

Consider a 256 x 256 matrix A. I'm familiar with how to calculate low rank approximations of A using the SVD. Typically …

matlab matrix linear-algebra svd
square to trapezoid

I know that transforming a square into a trapezoid is a linear transformation, and can be done using the projective …

matrix transform linear-algebra projection perspective
Is there a way to calculate the CGAffineTransform needed to transform a view from frame A to frame B?

Say, I have two CGRects, CGRect A and CGRect B. My UIView's frame is the same as CGRect B, but …

ios core-graphics linear-algebra
How can you implement Householder based QR decomposition in Python?

I'm currently trying to implement the Householder based QR decomposition for rectangular matrices as described in…

python numpy linear-algebra numerical-methods qr-decomposition
Easiest way to multiply vector values together?

I've got a silly question. I took a vector math class about 10 years ago and could've sworn I remembered an …

unity3d vector linear-algebra vectormath
Solving non-square linear system with R

How to solve a non-square linear system with R : A X = B ? (in the case the system has no solution …

r math system linear-algebra numerical-computing
quadprog optimization

Here's an interesting puzzle. Below is an R snippet that identifies the tangency point of a quadratic function with respect …

r optimization linear-algebra mathematical-optimization quadratic
How do I find the plane at which two hyperplanes intersect?

In the case of finding the line at which two planes intersect, you need to take the cross product of …

linear-algebra intersection plane
SVD computing different result in Matlab and OpenCV

I wonder why there is sign difference in result for SVD computing in Matlab and OpenCV. I input the same …

matlab opencv linear-algebra svd
Scipy - find bases of column space of matrix

I'm trying to code up a simple Simplex algorithm, the first step of which is to find a basic feasible …

python numpy scipy linear-algebra linear-programming