Top "Linear-algebra" questions

Linear Algebra is a core body of mathematics studying vector spaces and linear mappings between these spaces.

Simple Lanczos algorithm code to obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix

I would like to write a simple program (in C) using Lanczos algorithm. I came across a Matlab example which …

matlab linear-algebra eigenvector eigenvalue lanczos
Solving linear equations w. three variables using numpy

I'm currently in need of a class, which must be able to display and solve an equation system like this …

python python-3.x numpy linear-algebra equation-solving
Large Matrix Inversion

I am looking at taking the inverse of a large matrix, common size of 1000 x 1000, but sometimes exceeds 100000 x 100000 (which …

concurrency parallel-processing linear-algebra eigen matrix-inverse
Linear interpolation of three 3D points in 3D space

I have three 3D points like p1(x1,y1,z1), p2(x2,y2,z2), p3(x3,y3,z3). I have …

c++ matlab math linear-algebra linear-interpolation
Fastest method in inverse of matrix

I want to process Images with Inverse function and lot of functions. For code to run fastly can any one …

performance algorithm opencv linear-algebra matrix-inverse
How does pytorch broadcasting work?

torch.add(torch.ones(4,1), torch.randn(4)) produces a Tensor with size: torch.Size([4,4]). Can someone provide a logic behind this?

python numpy linear-algebra pytorch array-broadcasting
What is SVD(singular value decomposition)

How does it actually reduce noise..can you suggest some nice tutorials?

math matrix linear-algebra svd
Python Numpy - Treat really small numbers as zero

I want to calculate the Determinant of a Singular Matrix (which has a 0 determinant) with Numpy and when I print …

python numpy matrix linear-algebra determinants
3D Correspondences from fundamental matrix

In MATLAB I have calculated the Fundamental matrix (of two images) using the normalized Eight point algorithm. From that I …

matlab math computer-vision linear-algebra matlab-cvst
C++ Memory Efficient Solution for Ax=b Linear Algebra System

I am using Numeric Library Bindings for Boost UBlas to solve a simple linear system. The following works fine, except …

c++ boost linear-algebra lapack umfpack