Top "Quadratic" questions

Pertains to squares or squaring.

Quadratic Bézier Curve: Calculate Points

I'd like to calculate a point on a quadratic curve. To use it with the canvas element of HTML5. When …

math point curve quadratic
Fitting a quadratic curve in ggplot

This is my sample data. I want to plot both y1 and y2 against x1 in a single plot. This …

r ggplot2 quadratic
Draw a quadratic Bézier curve through three given points

I have three points in 2D and I want to draw a quadratic Bézier curve passing through them. How …

math bezier curve quadratic
python subclasses

I currently have a class called Polynomial, The initialization looks like this: def __init__(self, *termpairs): self.termdict = dict(termpairs) …

python inheritance subclass quadratic
Solve Quadratic Equation in C++

I am trying to write a function in C++ that solves for X using the quadratic equation. This is what …

c++ math equation quadratic
r - Portfolio Optimization - solve.QP - Constraints are Inconsistent

I am trying to use solve.QP to solve a portfolio optimization problem (quadratic problem) Total 3 assets There are 4 constraints: …

r mathematical-optimization portfolio quadratic
Is there a quadratic programming library in C++?

The only Google search result I found is QuadProg++ but it can not solve the quadratic programming problem whose matrix …

c++ math quadratic
python stats models - quadratic term in regression

I have the following linear regression: import statsmodels.formula.api as sm model = sm.ols(formula = 'a ~ b + c', data = …

python regression statsmodels quadratic
R Error : some group is too small for 'qda'

I used the qda{MASS} to find the classfier for my data and it always reported "some group is too …

r quadratic
Quadratic equation solver in php

I tried to make a quadratic equation solver in php: index.html: <html> <body> <form …

php formula calculator equation quadratic