Top "Line" questions

The shortest distance between two points.

How we can add a new line in c#

How we can write output on second line in c# ?? How we can write the given code into two lines …

c# line break endl
Drawing a 1px thick line in canvas creates a 2px thick line

In this jsfiddle there's a line with a lineWidth of 1. e.g: ctx.lineWidth = 1; However …

javascript html html5-canvas line
count lines in a PHP project

Do you know any tool which can count all the code lines from a PHP project?

php count line
Exception handling -- Display line number where error occurred?

Possible Duplicate: Show line number in exception handling Can someone please tell me how to get the line number of …

c# exception line show
Determine which side of a line a point lies

I have a set of points. I want to separate them into 2 distinct sets. To do this, I choose two …

math geometry line point
draw line under TextView on Android

I have a layout that adds textviews dynamically and i want to divide each textview with a line. Something like …

android textview line
How can I tell if a point belongs to a certain line?

How can I tell if a point belongs to a certain line? Examples are appreciated, if possible.

c# .net algorithm gdi+ line
Java: CSV File Easy Read/Write

I'm working on a program that requires quick access to a CSV comma-delimited spreadsheet file. So far I've been able …

java csv file-io line bufferedwriter
Wrapping chained method calls on a separate line in Eclipse for Java

I haven't been successful in figuring out how to wrap each method call in Eclipse. For example, I have this: …

eclipse line
How to Convert Videos on VLC batch/CLI?

I need to do a mass-conversion of videos from a video recorder in the .mod format, to other file formats, …

command command-line-interface line vlc video-conversion