Drawing a 1px thick line in canvas creates a 2px thick line

MintDeparture picture MintDeparture · Dec 14, 2012 · Viewed 35.6k times · Source

In this jsfiddle there's a line with a lineWidth of 1.



ctx.lineWidth = 1;

However the line is 2px thick when it's drawn on the canvas, how do you create a 1px thick line.

I could draw a rectangle (with 1px height) however I want the line to also work on diagonals. So how do you get this line to be 1px high?



Ferry Kobus picture Ferry Kobus · Dec 14, 2012

Canvas calculates from the half of a pixel


So starting at a half will fix it

Fixed version: http://jsfiddle.net/9bMPD/357/

This answer explains why it works that way.