Top "Line" questions

The shortest distance between two points.

All cases covered Bresenham's line-algorithm

I need to check all pixels in a line, so I'm using Bresenham's algorithm to access each pixel in it. …

c# .net algorithm line bresenham
JavaFx 2.x : How to draw dashed or dotted lines?

I would like to dynamically change the draw of a line from solid, dotted or dashed: it seems I have …

line draw javafx-2
Asymptotically optimal algorithm to compute if a line intersects a convex polygon

An O(n) algorithm to detect if a line intersects a convex polygon consists in checking if any edge of …

algorithm line computational-geometry asymptotic-complexity convex-polygon
Paste multiple lines inside tags as separate line each - Sublime text

I have to set a list of title/authors item inside an html page, with each title/author line inside …

sublimetext2 line copy-paste tabular
Creating line dividers in Android tab layout paragraphs

Hey all, first post and a noob in Android programming, but willing to learn! Basically I've taken the Google sample …

android layout tabs line divide
MATLAB: Drawing a line over a black and white image

What is the best way to draw a line over a black and white (binary) image in MATLAB, provided the …

image matlab image-processing line matlab-cvst
How to check intersection between a line and a rectangle?

The title says it all, Ive been searching around and couldnt find anything that was straight and to the point. …

java line collision intersection rectangles
Infinite horizontal line in Bokeh

Is there a way to plot an infinite horizontal line with Bokeh? The endpoints of the line should never become …

python plot line bokeh
Vim CursorLine color change in insert mode

There is good snippet for changing cursor color: if &term =~ "xterm\\|rxvt" " use an orange cursor in insert mode …

colors cursor line vim
nvd3 line chart, how to remove gridlines and yaxis

I have made a line chart with view finder. Here is my initial code var chart = nv.models.lineWithFocusChart(); // chart.…

charts line nvd3.js gridlines