Top "Line" questions

The shortest distance between two points.

How to remove newlines from beginning and end of a string?

I have a string that contains some text followed by a blank line. What's the best way to keep the …

java string line blank-line
Read int values from a text file in C

I have a text file that contains the following three lines: 12 5 6 4 2 7 9 I can use the fscanf function to read the …

c file file-io scanf line
Go to first line in a file in vim?

How do I go to first line in a file in vim ?

vim editor line
draw diagonal lines in div background with CSS

I have a div for a preview box: HTML: <div class="preview-content">PREVIEW</div> CSS: .preview-content { …

css background line css-shapes diagonal
How to split strings over multiple lines in Bash?

How can i split my long string constant over multiple lines? I realize that you can do this: echo "continuation \ …

bash line indentation
Drawing a connecting line between two elements

How can I drawing a line between two or more elements to connect them? Any combination of HTML/CSS/JavaScript/…

javascript html connection line jquery-ui-draggable
Circle line-segment collision detection algorithm?

I have a line from A to B and a circle positioned at C with the radius R. What is …

algorithm math line collision-detection geometry
How can I format a list to print each element on a separate line in python?

How can I format a list to print each element on a separate line? For example I have: mylist = ['10…

python list format line
How to make a new line or tab in <string> XML (eclipse/android)?

So, in my strings.xml I have a very long text which I want to format somehow. How can I …

android xml eclipse tabs line
How to paste text to end of every line? Sublime 2

I'm curious if there is a way to paste text to the end of every line in Sublime 2? And conversely, …

line sublimetext2 text-editor copy-paste sublimetext