I have a line from A to B and a circle positioned at C with the radius R.
What is a good algorithm to use to check whether the line intersects the circle? And at what coordinate along the circles edge it occurred?
d = L - E ( Direction vector of ray, from start to end )
f = E - C ( Vector from center sphere to ray start )
Then the intersection is found by..
P = E + t * d
This is a parametric equation:
Px = Ex + tdx
Py = Ey + tdy
(x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2
(h,k) = center of circle.
Note: We've simplified the problem to 2D here, the solution we get applies also in 3D
to get:
So we get:
t2 * (d · d) + 2t*( f · d ) + ( f · f - r2 ) = 0
So solving the quadratic equation:
float a = d.Dot( d ) ;
float b = 2*f.Dot( d ) ;
float c = f.Dot( f ) - r*r ;
float discriminant = b*b-4*a*c;
if( discriminant < 0 )
// no intersection
// ray didn't totally miss sphere,
// so there is a solution to
// the equation.
discriminant = sqrt( discriminant );
// either solution may be on or off the ray so need to test both
// t1 is always the smaller value, because BOTH discriminant and
// a are nonnegative.
float t1 = (-b - discriminant)/(2*a);
float t2 = (-b + discriminant)/(2*a);
// 3x HIT cases:
// -o-> --|--> | | --|->
// Impale(t1 hit,t2 hit), Poke(t1 hit,t2>1), ExitWound(t1<0, t2 hit),
// 3x MISS cases:
// -> o o -> | -> |
// FallShort (t1>1,t2>1), Past (t1<0,t2<0), CompletelyInside(t1<0, t2>1)
if( t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1 )
// t1 is the intersection, and it's closer than t2
// (since t1 uses -b - discriminant)
// Impale, Poke
return true ;
// here t1 didn't intersect so we are either started
// inside the sphere or completely past it
if( t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1 )
// ExitWound
return true ;
// no intn: FallShort, Past, CompletelyInside
return false ;