Top "Liferay-aui" questions

How to set the selected value in aui:select box

I have form with select box in my user form. I also need to update the form in edit mode. …

liferay liferay-6 liferay-theme alloy-ui liferay-aui
Liferay ajax request and JSON response

I am new in Liferay. I used service builder to create database. I populated them manually. And eventually I could …

jquery liferay liferay-aui
ajax on aui:select liferay

I know this is impossible to pass parameter from javascript to scriptlet code in jsp page So I want to …

ajax jsp liferay scriptlet liferay-aui
Adding dynamic elements to aui form in liferay

How can we add dynamic aui form elements in liferay by using script or aui:script ?? If that is not …

javascript forms liferay alloy-ui liferay-aui
Liferay.Upload Component Usage for Multi-file Upload

Developing a custom portlet to upload multiple files in Liferay 6.2. Found the Liferay.Upload component while going through Liferay Source …

file-upload liferay liferay-6 jsp-tags liferay-aui
How to get checkbox checked value in AlloyUI?

How to get Liferay AUI taglib checkbox checked value in AlloyUIi ? <aui:input type="checkbox" ></aui:input&…

liferay liferay-aui alloy-ui