Top "Liferay-theme" questions

Liferay themes are hot-deployable plugins that help in customizing the layout and overall look & feel of portal pages.

Including jQuery and other JS files in Liferay Theme

I use Liferay 6.1 and I created my theme (sample-theme) and I want add jQuery. How can I do that? Why …

jquery liferay liferay-6 liferay-theme
How to set the selected value in aui:select box

I have form with select box in my user form. I also need to update the form in edit mode. …

liferay liferay-6 liferay-theme alloy-ui liferay-aui
Liferay changing the default redirect page when a does not have the specific role

This is basically two question? First i was wonder how to change the page liferay redirects when a user tries …

liferay liferay-6 liferay-theme
AUI is not defined and Liferay is not defined error in jsp page?

I am using my custom portlet in liferay. but somehow when i run my portlet i m having following error …

liferay portlet liferay-6 liferay-theme
Using AngularJS with Liferay

I would use global AngularJS with Liferay Portal. Because, like the devise of AngularJS: Why AngularJS? HTML is great for …

javascript angularjs liferay liferay-theme
Check current page url contents in liferay velocity template

I am trying to find out current page url contents and parameters in liferay Velocity(vm)file. I am able …

liferay-6 liferay-velocity liferay-theme
no theme found for specified theme id . returning the default theme

By liferay-plugins-sdk-6.1.1 on theme folder I created a theme for my liferay portal 6.1.1 CE-GA2. My liferay-plugin-package : name=internal_portal module-group-id=…

templates themes liferay liferay-6 liferay-theme
Unable to redirect to other page in liferay

I am trying to redirect to other page using java code and don't no why its not getting redirected. the …

liferay liferay-6 liferay-theme liferay-ide liferay-velocity