Top "Alloy-ui" questions

Alloy is a UI metaframework that provides a consistent and simple API for building web applications across all three levels of the browser: structure, style and behaviour.

How to set the selected value in aui:select box

I have form with select box in my user form. I also need to update the form in edit mode. …

liferay liferay-6 liferay-theme alloy-ui liferay-aui
Alloy UI input label of different style

I have a aui:input in my form with label First Name *. The current font color of the label is …

java jsp liferay alloy-ui
Adding dynamic elements to aui form in liferay

How can we add dynamic aui form elements in liferay by using script or aui:script ?? If that is not …

javascript forms liferay alloy-ui liferay-aui
How to get checkbox checked value in AlloyUI?

How to get Liferay AUI taglib checkbox checked value in AlloyUIi ? <aui:input type="checkbox" ></aui:input&…

liferay liferay-aui alloy-ui
Calling a Javascript function with parameters from JSP

I have a form like this... <aui:form action="<%= generateRuleURL.toString() %>" name="rulesForm" method="post"> <…

java javascript jsp liferay alloy-ui
How to get client side portlet-id in liferay?

I'm using AlloyUI in my liferay portlet. I want to use my <input>'s id in javascript. The …

liferay liferay-6 alloy-ui
"A is not defined" inside of <aui:script> block

I'm trying to extend some functionality of an existing Liferay portlet. As part of this, I would like to use …

liferay liferay-6 alloy-ui