Top "Licensing" questions


Does Embarcadero RAD Studio XE license allow use on multiple machines?

In the past the Borland "no nonsense" license allowed one developer to do multiple installs. I'm tempted to upgrade to …

delphi licensing upgrade
Is Java EE 6 all for free?

I'm just about to start learn some Jave EE6. But in the download page,…

jakarta-ee open-source licensing
Creating software derivative works from open source

This question has always been around my head. Can someone create a new product based on an existing open source …

open-source licensing derived
Deploytool for MATLAB R2013b doesn't work, what has changed?

For years I've been using the integrated deploytool to create easily distributable *.exe files for my colleagues. I installed R2013…

matlab licensing matlab-deployment matlab-compiler mcc
When is your code a "Derivative work"?

I'm trying to figure out in which of these cases the legal ramifications of "Derivative work" come into play. When …

licensing gpl
Web Services and open source libraries - licensing

Could you please suggest which are the well-known "open source" licenses allowing me to use libraries under these licenses in …

licensing gpl
license info of a deb package

I am trying to get license information of uninstalled deb packages. dpkg --info <package-name>.deb does not give …

licensing dpkg deb
where do I include the copyright notice of someone else's work in my website?

My website contains : 1.FancyBox (for image overlay) 2.GalleryView (a slider) and both use JQuery. They are both free to use, …

licensing fancybox galleryview
CryptoLicensing cracked - still usable or better options for a similar price?

I want to sell software developed in c# to end-users and want to use licensing with a yearly fee for …

c# security licensing cracking cryptolicensing
Propietary modules within GPL and BSD kernels

Since the Linux kernel is GPL and not LGPL I suppose that it is illegal to link proprietary code to …

licensing kernel driver gpl bsd